Conferences: Canadian Institute: “Managing Legal Risks in Running Online Contests”


Do you need contest rules/precedents
for a Canadian contest?

We offer many types of Canadian contest/sweepstakes law precedents and forms (i.e., Canadian contest/sweepstakes law precedents to run common types of contests in Canada).  These include precedents for random draw contests (i.e., where winners are chosen by random draw), skill contests (e.g., essay, photo or other types of contests where entrants submit content that is judged to enter the contest or for additional entries), trip contests and more.  Also available are individual Canadian contest/sweepstakes precedents, including short rules (“mini-rules”), long rules, winner releases and a Canadian contest law checklist.  For more information or to order, see: Canadian Contest Law Forms/Precedents.  If you would like to discuss legal advice in relation to your contest or other promotion, contact us: Contact.


The Canadian Institute is hosting an upcoming contest conference entitled “Managing Legal Risks in Running Online Contests” on June 21-22 2012 in Toronto.  Their conference will include discussions on topics that include minimizing the risks of operating online contests, online voting contests, operating Facebook and Twitter contests, mobile contests and mitigating risk when online contests go wrong.



We are a Toronto based Canadian competition law and advertising law firm who helps clients in Toronto, across Canada and the United States practically navigate Canada’s advertising and marketing laws and offers Canadian advertising/marketing law services in relation to print, online, new media, social media and e-mail marketing.

Our Canadian advertising/marketing law services include advice in relation to anti-spam legislation (CASL), Competition Bureau complaints, the general misleading advertising provisions of the federal Competition Act, Internet, new media and social media advertising and marketing, promotional contests (sweepstakes) and sales and promotions. We also provide advice relating to specific types of advertising issues, including performance claims, testimonials, disclaimers, drip pricing, astroturfing and native advertising.

For more information about our services, see: services

To contact us about a potential legal matter, see: contact

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This entry was posted in Advertising Law, Competition Bureau, Competition Law, Compliance, Conferences, Consumer Protection, Contests, Online Advertising, Sectors - Internet & New Media, Sectors - Media, Social media marketing, Sweepstakes. Bookmark the permalink.