Conferences: Introduction to the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards & Consumer Complaints Procedure

MARCH 27, 2012 – Toronto

Advertising Standards Canada (“ASC”) will be holding an introductory seminar relating to its Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, “Canada’s principal instrument of advertising regulation.”

From the ASC:

“Consumers are scrutinizing advertising with an increasingly critical eye, and this can be seen in their complaints to ASC about advertisements. We know that Canadian advertisers and their agencies want their ads to be truthful, fair and accurate, and want to avoid complaints as well.

ASC is pleased to present an introductory session to the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards (Code), Canada’s principal instrument of advertising regulation. It sets out the standards for acceptable advertising, and provides a mechanism for ASC to receive and adjudicate consumers’ complaints. Essential for those new to the industry or a refresher for those with experience, this short practical session will illustrate how the Code’s key clauses are applied and top line this year’s consumer ‘hot buttons’”.

For more see:

Introduction to the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards & Consumer Complaints Procedure



I am a Toronto competition/antitrust lawyer and advertising/marketing lawyer who helps clients in Toronto, Canada and the US practically navigate Canada’s advertising and marketing laws and offers Canadian advertising/marketing law services in relation to print, online, new media, social media and e-mail marketing.

My Canadian advertising/marketing law services include advice in relation to: anti-spam legislation (CASL); Competition Bureau complaints; the general misleading advertising provisions of the federal Competition Act; Internet, new media and social media advertising and marketing; promotional contests (sweepstakes); and sales and promotions. I also provide advice relating to specific types of advertising issues, including performance claims, testimonials, disclaimers, drip pricing, astroturfing and native advertising.

For more information about my services, see: services

To contact me about a potential legal matter, see: contact

For more regulatory law updates follow me on Twitter: @CanadaAttorney

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